The success of a dental implant, its ability to support a dental restoration, is very much dependent upon the available bone quality and quantity in the site where the implant is placed.
There are lots of things that affect the bone volume including things like periodontal disease, trauma and infections and it is not unusual to open up a site in the mouth for implant placement and find out that some of the critical supporting bone is missing. Dr. Yi has great techniques available to replace missing bone. He can increase the height of bone and the width of bone. He can fill in anatomical voids in bone thereby creating new bone and he can fill in all sorts of defects that develop when teeth are lost. Dr. Yi also uses grafting techniques to prevent the loss of bone in circumstances where bone would normally be lost after the extraction of a tooth.
Bone graft (ridge modification)
1.jpg) Thin and low profile edentulous ridge in lower anterior missing area
| 2.jpg) Bone and connective tissue graft restore healthy gingival architecture
Bone and connective tissue graft together
 Congenitally missing on #22
|  Complete with implant in 10 months
Autogenous bone graft (using patient’s own bone)
Replacing central incisor
 Bony defect at implant placement
|  Bone graft using Xenograft
Bone graft with concurrent extraction and implant placement for the missing tooth due to trauma onto face
 Chronic periodontal abscess and root fracture due to trauma onto face
|  Tooth was removed, implant was placed, advanced bone graft was performed and temporary tooth was delivered at the same day.